
Neebo 4

more jonas ! It's a preview of a follow up comics I'm making for the fanzine "Pamplemousse". Unfortunatly I hadno time to make the pages, so I had to draw the 8 pages over the weekend. I only posted 4 pages out of the 8, but you can check out the fanzines issues on Cambrousse's shop or follow cambrousse's news on the facebook page. Lots of talented people participate to this zine, so yeah it's worth a look : )

2 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

Hello! I found you on conceptart.org while looking for information about l'école de l'image Gobelins. I was wondering if there's any academic requirements for Gobelins.

P.S. Your portfolio and artwork are amazing.

Violaine Briat a dit…

hey hye-jin ! if you're looking for infos on gobelins, i andswered a post on tumblr : http://veestrainingcamp.tumblr.com/post/61393602310/hello-im-thinking-of-attending-gobelins-but-i-cant

if you want to know more precie details, pleéase feel free to ask on tumblr ^^ (then everyone can get the infos )