Hey everyone !
Just saying this blog is now closed, and you can follow me on all these different places if you like :
TUMBLR : http://veesdumpingrounds.tumblr.com/
INSTAGRAM : https://instagram.com/violainebriat/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/veeakanoun
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/allthebigadventures
SHOP : http://veeshop.tictail.com/
Violaine Briat
webcomic page 74
hé oui ca continue :)
abonnez vous au tumblr : http://les-ruines.tumblr.com/
si vous voulez des updates plus fraiches, ou alors allez sur mon site de BD : http://bddevee.wordpress.com/apres-monde/

Happy New Year !
J'ai fait une carte de voeux pour 2014 !
Si vous voulez que je vous en envoie une, envoyez moi donc votre adresse postale par message privé sur ma page FACEBOOK !
I made this greeting card for 2014 ! : )
If you'd like me to send one to you, please send me a private message on my facebook page with your postal adress : HERE

here is a preview of the pages I made for Chaud Nem Jump ! I hope you'll like : ) (first chapter is much older than the 2nd one ^^)
This is a series of 19 pages per chapter that I make for this fanzine : CHAUD NEM JUMP and you can buy the 2nd issue HERE !
(check them out on TMBLR as well : )

Ethan In The Afterworld
Hey guys !
My webcomic is back on track, here are the 5 new pages I made to get it back to life :
You may follow on either TUMBLR
Or you can read the whole thing properly on My Comics website

Or you can read the whole thing properly on My Comics website
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